Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Graduation party day

Our first homeschool graduate, MK.  She is a very dedicated learner and while she had times where motivation was problem, more often than not she was the one pushing to make sure we got through her lessons.

I am very proud of the young lady she has become.  I am very graced by God to have such a daughter.  She is up to any task and really loves things that surprise me ~ Chemistry, Algebra...the logic of it all.  Most of all her faith.  I am impressed with all my younger children's knowledge of the Faith.  I find it funny when I get home and am eager to share something only to find out they already knew about that.  Guess I have to catch up.  It is my plan this summer to try to get in more reading on the Faith.

We have a college graduate as well.  Another VERY motivated daughter.  She has a degree in Music and Psychology. 
She would probably not be happy with me about this picture but it is the best one I could find.  She is a very entertaining young lady. When times were tough she would leave us random silly pictures on my husband's camera.  We are very proud of all she has accomplished as well.

Thank you Lord for gifting us with two such wonderful young ladies.

Thanks for stopping by!

God Bless,

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